What to Expect During ACLS Training
Knowing what to expect when you are facing anything new can mean the difference between feeling deep anxiety or confidence. This is no different when it comes to ACLS training and testing.
Knowing what to expect when you are facing anything new can mean the difference between feeling deep anxiety or confidence. This is no different when it comes to ACLS training and testing.
While you have probably learned plenty about symptomatic bradycardia and tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and ventricular fibrillation, other heart rhythms may still be a bit fuzzy in your mind. One potentially confusing rhythm is sick sinus syndrome, which may occasionally be called sinus node disease or sinus node dysfunction. Understanding this heart rhythm, its causes, symptoms [...]
EMTs, who are emergency medical technicians, respond to emergency situations throughout the community, including in individuals’ homes. They provide quick assistance, including CPR, certain medications and other first aid treatments while transporting these ill individuals to medical care facilities. To become an EMT, one must complete a state-approved program and receive certification for licensure. In [...]
Whether or not PALS certification is a requirement on your unit, you'll find this class and examination gives you greater knowledge of emergency care for your pediatric patients and greater confidence in your everyday work. However, you probably know how in-depth these classes go and how stressful the scenarios and megacodes can become. These tips will help you pass your PALS assessment the first time so that you can quickly become a certified provider.
Because ventricular fibrillation, or V-fib, is so commonly seen and is so dangerous, it's typically a primary focus in any ACLS class. However, you should also focus sufficient time on the following two algorithms, frequently forgotten by well-meaning students.
Whether you like it or not, you spend a great deal of your life at work. In fact, it is estimated that the average person will spend over 13 years of her life at work. Because this is such a huge part of your life, you want to feel happy and fulfilled while on the [...]
A career in health care can be quite rewarding, but it can be hard to know where to start. You may not be sure if a career as a registered nurse or medical doctor is right for you if you have not yet dipped your toes into the waters of the medical world. One way [...]
While some patients have planned tracheal intubations as part of medical or surgical procedures, others are intubated during in-hospital codes or following some type of trauma that limits their ability to breathe on their own. With a tracheal intubation, a flexible tube is inserted down the throat and is placed far enough into the trachea [...]
Years ago, it was common practice never to allow family members into patient rooms during certain tasks. Most people can remember old black-and-white shows depicting men with cigars pacing the waiting room floor while their wives gave birth. For years, this was also the case when it came to resuscitation efforts. Family members were escorted [...]
Probably every worker has experienced that afternoon slump or has needed a cup of coffee to get through the last hour behind the desk. However, nurses have it particularly difficult because of the great physical and mental burdens they carry throughout each shift. Stressful work situations, busy shifts during which there is no time to [...]