Project Heartbeat

Advanced Nursing

23 08, 2019

Best Shoes for Nurses: Top Recommended Nursing Shoes

By |2019-08-22T23:58:56-07:00August 23rd, 2019|Advanced Nursing|Comments Off on Best Shoes for Nurses: Top Recommended Nursing Shoes

No matter where they work, all nurses end up spending much of each day on their feet. Whether they are standing in the operating room, running up and down hallways or speeding around the emergency room, nurses’ feet end up taking quite a beating. To cut down on foot strain, aches and pains that can [...]

21 08, 2019

The Basics of Continuing Education for Nurses and Why You Need CEUs

By |2019-08-22T04:36:19-07:00August 21st, 2019|Advanced Nursing, Education|Comments Off on The Basics of Continuing Education for Nurses and Why You Need CEUs

When you graduate from nursing school, you may believe your education is at an end and you can spend the rest of your career simply caring for your patients. However, because health care is a rapidly changing field with plenty of new research and technology entering it every year, you must constantly keep up with [...]

9 08, 2019

Useful Apps for Medical Professionals

By |2019-08-09T10:48:12-07:00August 9th, 2019|Advanced Nursing, Education|Comments Off on Useful Apps for Medical Professionals

While your own medical knowledge is essential to treating your patients well for the best outcomes, today there are plenty of great online resources translated into apps that can make your daily work easier than ever. Apps can help you check your knowledge to make sure you are not guessing, help you diagnose patients quickly, [...]

19 07, 2019

PALS Algorithms to Memorize and Practice

By |2020-03-01T20:46:07-08:00July 19th, 2019|Advanced Nursing, Classes|Comments Off on PALS Algorithms to Memorize and Practice

Even if you're already familiar with the adult version of advanced life support, you will still want to spend plenty of time memorizing the most important PALS algorithms you'll see on your certification examination. Many pediatric algorithms are slightly different from their adult counterparts because of the smaller size of these patients.

26 04, 2019

The Basics of Using an AED and How to Learn More

By |2019-04-17T15:12:57-07:00April 26th, 2019|ACLS, Advanced Nursing, Basic Life Support Articles, Classes, CPR Training Articles, Education|Comments Off on The Basics of Using an AED and How to Learn More

Do you know what to do in a life-threatening emergency? When someone’s heart stops, you can’t simply rely on what you’ve seen on television shows to guide your resuscitation attempts. Instead, you need solid, science-based knowledge. AEDs have proven to be the best options for saving lives in many scenarios, especially in out-of-hospital, community emergencies. [...]

19 04, 2019

How Do I Get CNA Certified?

By |2019-04-17T15:12:44-07:00April 19th, 2019|Advanced Nursing, Classes|Comments Off on How Do I Get CNA Certified?

CNAs are seen as the backbone of bedside nursing. While they don’t have the ability to do all that doctors and nurses do, they’re often the people seen most frequently by patients, especially those in hospitals and long-term care facilities. Thus, your decision to become CNA-certified is not only a smart one for your career [...]

12 04, 2019

Gain Confidence in Emergency Room Nursing with TNCC

By |2019-04-02T13:42:51-07:00April 12th, 2019|Advanced Nursing|Comments Off on Gain Confidence in Emergency Room Nursing with TNCC

Confidence is vital in every part of life but is especially important in your career. If you’re nursing without confidence, you might be more apt to make foolish errors, and you’ll certainly doubt yourself whenever you go in to work. You may dread your work hours, wondering if you’ll know what to do for your [...]

10 04, 2019

Be the Best Nurse Possible for Your Pediatric Patients with ENPC Certification

By |2019-04-02T13:41:23-07:00April 10th, 2019|Advanced Nursing|Comments Off on Be the Best Nurse Possible for Your Pediatric Patients with ENPC Certification

The Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course, also called the ENPC, is similar to the Trauma Nursing Core Course except that it is particularly designed for the especially fragile pediatric population. Pediatric patients often react more severely to physically traumatic events because of the size of their bodies and the lack of strength of some of their [...]

29 03, 2019

Struggling with EKG Interpretation: Learn the Basics and Become a Pro

By |2019-10-31T12:22:37-07:00March 29th, 2019|Advanced Nursing|Comments Off on Struggling with EKG Interpretation: Learn the Basics and Become a Pro

One of the most disliked parts of patient assessment for many people is EKG interpretation. Many prefer the fast-paced physical assessments that they get to practice in the ER rather than the black-and-white samples that can seem a bit like the dreaded “desk work.” However, correct EKG interpretation certainly has a vital place in quality [...]

15 03, 2019

What Is Pediatric Advanced Life Support?

By |2020-03-01T20:48:25-08:00March 15th, 2019|Advanced Nursing, Education|Comments Off on What Is Pediatric Advanced Life Support?

PALS stands for Pediatric Advanced Life Support and in some ways mirrors the ACLS certification for adult patients. This certification tells those you work with as well as your employer that you know how to respond to emergency situations with speed and accuracy. It also demonstrates that you are a knowledgeable team leader and that you are committed to the best possible care for your pediatric population. 

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